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Previous Rants - 2005

I'm not even working at CIBC anymore. I started at Pronk & Associates on Nov 11th. The title is Financial Analyst, but it's more of a Financial Controller position. It's a higher level and higher salary. The company does production and design for publishers, large and small. Now I'm allowed to whine, bitch and complain about CIBC! Woo hoo!

This is what it felt like working at CIBC. Focus on the killing spirit part.

Saw Ocean's 12 on Friday. It actually wasn't half-bad. There was a lot of plot holes and a lot of areas where the director deliberately fast-forwarded to skip over having to make logical sense. However, if you take the premise for what it is, the movie was fairly enjoyable. I was told it was better than the first one.

Had two 1.5 ounces of Sambuca at the Pronk Christmas party. Tastes like black licorice. I don't like black licorice. I don't like Sambuca. How can anyone digest that stuff?!?


In one episode of Futurama, one of the jokes is that there was diode that only lets electricity flow one way, and it's pointing the other way, which is why it's the equivalent to a wall for the electrical impulse version of Bender. For all you electricians, electrical engineers and electrolysists that understand the joke, please explain it to me.

Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is a portrait of the virtuous wife of a family friend, Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a wealthy silk merchant, Francesco del Giocondo. Evidence is presented in a newly published book from Giuseppe Pallanti, a teacher from Florence who has spent 25 years researching the city's archives on the subject.

Got a new cell phone (finally). Sent out the following message to everyone regarding my new #:

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears (Shakespeare - Julius Ceasar)
After months of incessant prodding, prying, and pleading by you guys, I have finally fulfilled your desire for me to acquire a cell phone. My new number is 416-***-****.
Now while I do realize that all of you will immediately want to call me perpetually, however, I must request that you contain your exuberance. In consideration of all the others that will want to speak with me, I have to ask that you please limit the number of times you call me to under five times a day. There is, though, one corollary to this condition. If you, or someone you know, happen to be single, attractive and FEMALE, I am willing to accept more than five, but less than ten calls from you per day. Thank you for choosing CIBC, have a great day.



I'm no longer working at the branch anymore. I started in telephone banking on July 19th. It's a higher level and higher salary. Hopefully it'll be an improvement from the branch level.

Why do some ppl seem to think that the only way to resolve any issue is thorough conflict and confrontation? Why do you have to argue about everything. And why do I have to get screamed at when I'm doing that person a favour?

Registered for the CFA on Thursday (22nd). I'm massively nervous about it. I was told by someone who's taken it that compared to the second one, the first one's a piece of cake. And I can attest through personal experience that the first one is not a piece of cake.

Ever since my transfer to telephone banking was confirmed, I have had this uncontrollable urge to go on a spending spree. While I'm certain it's unhealthy for my finances, I don't think I'm in the mood to care.


I'm not always able to return the favour for someone that has done me a favour. Similarly, I have often done favours for ppl that I know would never be able to help me out in that sense. However, what I try to do is to give back to someone else the same kindness that I have received and hope whoever it is that I have helped to do the same for others. Someone did something for me recently when I went away, and I tried to do the same for someone else when they came over.

Oh my god. I haven't added anything to this section since February. And it's not like I don't have anything to rant and rave and whine and gripe about. I've just been either too busy or too lazy to give anyone a piece of my mind.

Looks like Nortel has burned me. Thought they learned their lesson. Apparently not. Damn CEOs are still crooked.

How come the more you clean up your room, the more things go missing? Before you cleaned it, even though everything's a mess, you knew exactly where everything is located. In addition, while cleaning up, you find everything you don't need at the moment and probably never again, but couldn't find it when you needed it. I blame it on the elves.


??捃?Kathy |b車?W討??舠〞漕ヾA使我想起?F台灣。 忽然間,我記得|b台灣快?@|~,卻?@直3ㄗS去挑戰?蝗]的「巨無霸」。 3o將會是我?@-?p?p的遺憾。

Purchased 400 shares of Nortel today. After looking at its performance the last little while, including its recent contracts as well as its cash position, I'm beginning to feel the company is turning it around. Although the P/E ratio is at 49.95, earning and profits should rise, leading to a more more justifiable ratio. Personally, I believe the P/E is high as a result of weak earnings before, and not because the stock is overpriced.

In the tradition of my last 2 entries, Happy February 18th everybody. In case you didn't know, and in the spirit of my current job, every day 20 banks are robbed. The average take is $2,500.


Happy Valentine's Day everybody! In case you didn't know, the quote "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world" comes from Heather Cortez.

My current return on my Scotia stocks is 5.29%. Currently looking at BCE and Roger's. Roger's, however is trading at a multiple of over 73.80. It's impossible to justify such a high P/E. There's also talks Roger's is preparing to set up Internet telephone service, which makes it a direct competitor of BCE. That would mean increased risk. Is it worth it? I'll have to think about it.

Personally, I found Cold Mountain to be quite spectacular. It's an epic romance, which may put half the guys asleep. However, I really enjoyed Jude Law's performance.


Happy Groundhog's Day everybody! In case you didn't know, both Wierton Willie and Punksatawney Phil saw their shadows. Looks like 6 more weeks of bad weather.

Got my dividend from Scotiabank. While it's not a lot, it's still better than deposit accounts. In one month I get back 4 times more than interest bearing accounts.

Mona Lisa Smile feels like Julia Roberts latest attempt to get herself another Oscar. And if the quality of the film was actually that good, she would've had a shot. Instead, a bit too stereotypically feminine rant about suppression of individualism and conservatism. They need to step beyond the bounds of convention to make it powerful. Instead, it's a bunch of been there, done that, gimme another Oscar. Decent film, uninspiring performances.


Happy Chinese New Year everybody! In case you didn't know, it's the year of the monkey.

If you live in Canada and plan to travel, try Travel Cuts for cheaper flight tickets. For a ticket to Norway, Travel Cuts gave me $919 while Travelocity quoted $1,240 and Expedia $1480. Oh, and the Travelocityt website wasn't very stable.

While the average trader tends to hold onto stocks thinking it might rise higher or not sell when it's low hoping to recover their loss, in contrast, my problem seems to be an inclination to sell and take a profit. I'm really tempted to take my 3% gain right now and sell my shares. It's actually taking more discipline to practice sound portfolio management and keep the shares so I can construct a balanced portfolio.

I liked the third Lord of the Rings better than the second one. Nonetheless, I'm still dissatisfied with the scripts. Aragorn's recruitment at the Path of the Dead is very weak. A king does not ask "What says ye?", he should be demanding their allegience and loyalty. In addition, Denethor's actions were too extreme and irrational. In the book it was much more reasonable and credible. In the book he seems desperate, in the movie he just seemed like an idiot. Real life has taught me no idiots like that will ever get a chance to rule.


Found out Wednesday night I passed my AIMR CFA Level 1 examination. Permit me to shed my humility for a moment in a rare display of sheer, classless arrogance. Six-figure salary, here I come! I'm soooo outta my branch. I'm sorry, but I'm too good for that job now! I'm not even interested in staying at CIBC any longer.

My last review went up to The Last Samurai. Here's a quick run-down of New York. Place is busy, packed, crazy. Pace of life is extremely hectic. Traffic is awful and the later it gets, the worse it gets. I also LOVE it! While I'm young, I enjoy the chaotic order. That's probably why I love Taipei, even though sanitation-wise, Taipei leaves much to be desired and its architecture is more dilapidated. I gotta recommend the Prada store in NY. It's design is exceptional and makes you realize why you're paying for the label. Although a bit late, my Lord of the Rings rant will come next.

Scotia has been up-down-up-down. Right now I'm up about $200. Not too sexy if you compare it to tech stocks, however, I can sleep well at night with blue-chips, whose price doesn't do roller-coaster rides. Besides, I'm only waiting for the dividend anyway.

Finally finished transferring my entire Chinese website to Tripod. Still have to make sure the English links now work properly as a result of the move. Nonetheless, things should be more stable now. In addition, will have to make other alterations, as some of the things are outdated or I need to add other links to improve efficiency and add convenience. The format should also be adjusted for a new year.

Dangerous to go out with your brother's girlfriend. I drove her to return a top she bought on Boxing Day, I ended up buying a fleece top hoodie. While it was only $19, nonetheless it's an impulse buy I don't need.


Submitted my resume to the Community Centre today. Also found out the name of the District Manager is Julie Galiano. Maybe nothing will come of it, but it's a first step towards saying goodbye to my current branch.

From the list of things I wanted to buy, thus far I've acquired, or am about to acquire, the blank CDs and the spectacles. Over the holidays I also bought two shirts and a leather jacket. Things still on the agenda include a mouse for my laptop and the webcam. I've decided against the printer.

Bought 200 shares of Scotiabank last week. Waiting to accumulate enough funds to buy into either Rogers or BCE next.

I'm going to quickly post my opinion on everything I've promised but haven't had time. Copperfield's "An Intimate Evening of Grand Illusion" wasn't bad, but it feels more like entertainment than magic. This is the 2nd time I've seen him, and he's turned into more of an entertainer. He does more acting and interacting with the audience than actual magic, and a lot of his illusions are different versions of the same trick, persented in a new format. The Leaf-Thrasher's game was disappointing, as the Leaf's played great for 2 periods then totally collapsed in the third. They've since gone on a streak of over 20 games with at least a point, so there's not much for me to say. The Raptors game blew, since they basically quit against the Bucks. Davis was especially disappointing, when after missing an alley-oop dunk, he didn't even bother to run back and play defence. Thank goodness they've since traded him. Great move for the Raptors to make that trade. Producers is a very entertaining musical. Quite a lot of politically incorrect comedy and adult-oriented humour plus a bunch of satire and parody. The music or storyline itself, however, is nothing spectacular. Strong, but not exceptional. I liked The Last Samurai, but I do admit it's a bit sappy. I've read it's along the lines of Dances With Wolves, and I may agree. The film does try to be too beautiful, and Tom Cruise should've died. But overall I do enjoyed it. Okay, this catches me up to mid-December.


Coincidentally, the music on a friend's personal website fit the movie I've been thinking of lately and is related to some of my discussions I've posted recently on various forums, so I've decided to swipe the music since it reflects my present mood. Props go out to Nikki.